Bruno Quaresma

Results 66 comments of Bruno Quaresma

> Just waiting on @BrunoQuaresma to approve [coder/]( before merging this in. It is approved!

@bpmct I loved your mocks and I think they are good to go. I just made a "real size" version of it.

@dwahler I would love to know your thoughts.

@docfactory37 checking, did it work?

I'm facing the same issue, is there a way to workaround this?

I'm also having this issue trying to dockerize an API that uses editly. The error is: ``` Error: gl returned null, this probably means that some dependencies are not installed....

@ljharb If you open the original svg that I posted previously in the browser, it works. I tried with other svgs as well but no success.

I'm also having the same issue. Probably, some TikTok scrape protection.