Bruno Piccinin

Results 5 issues of Bruno Piccinin

Is it possible to set a custom layout event? I would like to use a custom layout with buttons ,labels and background image for my events. Now it seems it's...

Is it possible to read FailedReqLogFiles with TX? FailedReqLogFiles logs are the logs made by IIS with the "Failed Request Tracing Rules" and generate xml files with name frXXXXXX.xml in...

It is possible to disable horizontal scroll (day scroll) and mantain the vertical scroll (hours scroll) on week view?

Hi, in MSWeekView.m file i found the event I need `- (NSDate *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout *)collectionViewCalendarLayout dayForSection:(NSInteger)section { NSString* day = [_eventsBySection.allKeys.sort objectAtIndex:section]; return [NSDate parse:day timezone:@"device"]; }` but I...

Hi, If you try to run this project without touching anything, you can see the calendar shows 2 Sunday 29th October 2017. See ![rvcalendarweekviewbug](