RVCalendarWeekView copied to clipboard
in MSWeekView.m file i found the event I need
- (NSDate *)collectionView:(UICollectionView *)collectionView layout:(MSCollectionViewCalendarLayout *)collectionViewCalendarLayout dayForSection:(NSInteger)section { NSString* day = [_eventsBySection.allKeys.sort objectAtIndex:section]; return [NSDate parse:day timezone:@"device"]; }
but I need to call it from my view controller.
The result I want is to have a event call on every day scrolled, when the day scrolled is Monday, I would like to change the title of my controller and set the number of week visualized in the calendar. The only thing I need is to have a similar event like the event in MSWeekView. I tried to call it, or include the MSCollectionViewDelegateCalendarLayout in my ViewController but I have some difficulties.
Any help?