Brandon Castellano

Results 26 issues of Brandon Castellano

Unlike the CLI documentation, the current API documentation, while well organized, does a poor job of showing new users where to start and how to begin. Specifically, the current (single)...

help wanted
status: accepted
good first issue

Currently, the macro `$VIDEO_NAME` is not calculated correctly when using ~an image sequence (e.g. `img_%04d.jpg`) or~ [1] a URL as an input video, leading to (potentially) malformed output filenames when...

good first issue
technical item

v1.0 Upcoming Changes & Migration Plan =========================== The next major release of PySceneDetect will introduce major breaking changes. Furthermore, the minimum supported version of Python will be increased to 3.5,...

status: accepted
community feedback requested

**Description of Problem & Solution** Right now using templates in bash requires escaping the dollar signs. Investigate using a style similar to Python instead to help with this, e.g.: scenedetect...

help wanted
good first issue

**Description of Problem & Solution** Right now one cannot dynamically add detectors to the command line. This prevents having additional detectors be "installed" from other packages, and requires users to...

This issue is for the discussion of PySceneDetect's performance with respect to the [`shot-detection-benchmarks`]( repo by @albanie, which includes a variety of shot detection benchmarks with real-world footage (e.g. movies,...


As per title, add a man-page synopsis so users can call `man scenedetect` for detailed usage help. In PySceneDetect v0.5-beta-1, help text / a complete CLI reference can be obtained...


Right now seeking is inefficient. Add a more efficient implementation, but also allow the user to specify a fallback to the older (slow) seeking mode if the input is not...

status: accepted

Using ffmpeg instead of the OpenCV VideoWriter will be faster (allows GPU-based encoding), provide significantly higher quality (or even skip re-encoding entirely by using stream copying), and resolve various issues,...


Currently, output filenames follow a fixed format: `{VIDEO_NAME}.DSME_{EVENT_NUMBER}.avi` As brought up in #88, it would be useful to allow users to specify a custom template. Some of the template variables...
