Brandon Castellano

Results 192 comments of Brandon Castellano

Hello @annishaa88; Which detector algorithm are you using in this case, threshold, or content? Currently there is only support to ignore subsequent camera flashes within a certain window (using the...

My apologies for the lack of update in regards to progress. Unfortunately my development efforts have been focused on the release of the new v0.5 API/CLI, and not so much...

Also one idea I just had to solve this is to add the ability to specify an intensity value which if the frame exceeds it, scene detection will be disabled....

Hi @wjs018; Thank you very much for the extensive example - very well put together as well, might I add. Also thanks for your comments regarding the API, means a...

Hey @dave-epstein; Sorry, no progress yet on that front, I'd like to start cleaning up the backlog before addressing any new features at the present moment in time... My apologies,...

Interestingly, it appears that a pretty novel solution using a lookahead buffer was implemented in rav1e AVC encoder (which itself was based on the `detect-content` algorithm!): This indicates that...

I'll take a bite at this one for the v0.6.x release, as it's a really nice to have feature. I think I managed to come up with a method that...

I think my method may not perform as well as yours @wjs018, but will have minimal performance impact. Will likely be using yours as a source of test footage. It's...

I did a test of this in v0.5.x ([link to download .zip](, for users wishing to beta test this feature before it's official release. It is turned on by default...

Sorry about that, you can find an updated link here with the feature: I'll try to schedule this in for v0.6.1 or v0.6.2, but leaving it off by default...