Viktor Alenkov

Results 30 comments of Viktor Alenkov

@Zomis so works: ```kotlin class MyClass: WithLogging { override val logger: KLogger get() = KLoggers.logger(this) // code } ```

Plugin works with release version 2022.1

Maybe not close the issue, but mark it as waiting for contributors?

gradle, html ... I'll add a working example with code to the tests later.

checked on kotest 5.2.1 - it's fixed! The output is not the same as in the documentation :) ``` MyTests > level 1.1 > MyTests.level 2 - case 1 PASSED...

> Where does the DemoTest come into it ? did not correct the output to the log regarding the class name - fixed

kotest: 5.2.1 Gradle: 7.4.1 JVM: 17 > So the class name is included both times? Yes PS: Also, the delimiters are different from the documentation

Why it is impossible to use inside the "shouldThrow" test?

@cy6erGn0m I expected that the plug-in itself will apply necessary plug-ins or will report that it lacks them. But not the message about the shortages of a configuration

Get the latest version of the plugin from the JetBrains repository: ```bash LATEST_PLUGIN_ID=$(curl | jq '.[0].id') curl -L "$LATEST_PLUGIN_ID" > ```