Michael McLeroy

Results 16 comments of Michael McLeroy

Take a look at [my comment here](https://github.com/prometheus-community/helm-charts/issues/1388#issuecomment-1034380991). I think we could work around mounting required for the os collector. So, it really comes down to whether we can get the...

Unfortunately, I couldn't find a better way

For reference, I worked around this by adding the chart version to the template labels for the controller pod. Every time I bump the chart version due to a new...

I think I understand the memory implications a bit better in light of [this issue](https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno/issues/4072). So, HPA based on memory may not be useful. But, I see 3 replicas use...

The metrics will be very helpful in identifying scaling settings. There is still the issue of leader election when an even number of pods are deployed. My initial understanding was...

Late to the party, but here is my use case: I'd know that I can't perform policy enforcement on Kyverno for an initial install. And, I don't want to cause...

> Are you using `dependsOn` in HelmReleases or in Flux Kustomizations? We use Helm Releases and are using the dependsOn feature.

I had a similar experience running k3d. I tried deleting the policies that were non ready and re-installing them. Some came up as ready, but others remained non-ready after the...

Gson library has another recent vulnerability: https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2022-25647. Gson library 2.8.9 fixes this, which is included in Spotbugs 4.5.0 and higher.

@edsiper @fujimotos @koleini @leonardo-albertovich, could we get this reviewed/merged so the next release will have the kafka plugins enabled by default?