Yeah the abilities could really use a cost reduction or give the ling some way of getting more DNA than they are now. I don't mind changelings killing people as...
And I'd like to add that part of why changelings act kind of gay as antagonists is because you have really, really lame tools and you can't really take risks...
\>powergaming luck gives you innate noslips "No!"
Would this make size 1 singularities (ie from a baguloose) way more likely to turn round-ending since anyone who walks in will also contribute everything on their person into the...
No, it wouldn't be crippling at all. How often do you think people are beating revs over the head with blunt objects instead of just shooting them or beating another...
It's not spawncamping even according to the official rules, lame cunts killing themselves because they can't be bothered with any challenges doesn't count as the traitor killing people as soon...
\>I don't think there'll be many people immediately going braindead in arrivals because they got switcheroo'd by the spicy labour admin console Frankly this says more about players refusing to...
Two bad comments I want to reply to on this: \> Can it be fixed or corrected somehow? Yes. \>? Does it leave evidence behind for someone to investigate? Yes,...
According to my gun expert Irradiation a .357 revolver could fire .38 rounds just fine but a .38 revolver could **NOT** do the same. It's also weird and dumb to...
\>Security has such a wide variety of weapons and an infinite ammo generator already that one additional lethal weapon is a drop in the bucket. The balance is supposed to...