Bo Biene
Bo Biene
@digitaldan & @jsetton thank you for your great work. 👍 Are there any plans implementing this, so there would be support for alaxa rules on motion Sensors / dor contact?
@ericnewton76 & @moh-hassan would be great to get this feature :)
So there is no one able to merge pullrequests to this repo? @gsscoder you are listed as contact, are you able to maintain this great project?
> If you think this is ok, then please assign it to me. @wqhhust do you still plan to implement the TTL index?
With the implementation of capped collection ( the TTL-indexes should be able to be done in a comparable way, or not? In my understanding for the capped collection, it is...
@AlekSi I'm wondering if you have any plans to implement TTL indices in the fourth quarter of 2023. This feature would be very useful and we would appreciate your feedback...
@sungam3r & @Shane32 ping ;)
I have the same. It shows up in the phoscon app as two devices:  For those hwo like to use the Sonoff ZBDongle-E as range extender in phoscon /...
> > I think the hard answer is someone will need to fork this project to keep it going. > > Due to the current license not feasible. But I'm...