Michael Hladky

Results 118 comments of Michael Hladky

We introduced an operator some time ago `accumulateObservables` would this fix the issue? ```typescript import { accumulateObservables } from '@rx-angular/cdk/state'; this.state.connect(accumulateObservables({ 'prop1': 42, 'prop2': of(43) })); ```

Reactive lifecycle hooks and input bindings are an essntial for this lib. As for me it is quite far on the roadmap, I would start to compare the different options...

@mhamri, Here a sketch of what I meant with a `Proxy`. ```typescript @Component({ selector: 'rxa-input-bindings-proxy', template: ` {{ value | json }} `, changeDetection: ChangeDetectionStrategy.OnPush }) export class InputBindingsProxyComponent {...

I could also splice an object from the proxy like here: https://ncjamieson.com/how-to-observe-an-object/ This is a bit less slim but cleaner for normalization logic.

did u check out https://ncjamieson.com/how-to-observe-an-object/

@hoebbelsB Also hade some thoughts on that + some PoCs. I'll see if we can get it posted here too...

@mhamri would you be interested in PRing this decorator? 😁

Your idea with the decorator and takeuntil approach like ngneat.

hehe... wanna do a call? ping me on twitter or send mi an mail (in my git profile) and join one of our next session. :)

@hoebbelsB can we check some boxes here?