Michael Hladky

Results 118 comments of Michael Hladky

Here's an online regex tester with this regex: https://regex101.com/r/3YQ4wC/1

Is there any progress? Would need this: :)

Hi @santoshyadavdev feel free to reopen this PR if you feel motivated to work on it. For now i'll close it to avoid (more :D ) hanging PR's.

hi @niklaas is there any progress with the last missing thing? If not, would you think it makes sense to merge it as is and open a second one for...

We definitely will include this! I like the idea!!! But ATM we have a lot of work to push the existing readmes into the docs page and link and organize...

The containe-intrinsic-* is for [content-visibility](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/content-visibility) which is a massive performance gainer but not supposed in most of the browsers 🥲.

Hi @niklaas do you think we can finalize this? Is there something where we can support?

This PR could help us to solve some struggles with headless mode: https://github.com/GoogleChrome/lighthouse/pull/14419

Yes. And there is also a vanilla version on npm. https://github.com/BioPhoton/rxjs-state It could need some love… things todo: - update to latest features - setup nx and npm release -...