Michael Hladky

Results 118 comments of Michael Hladky

After trying to impelement the workaround in my code i realized that i try to use a formControl porperty in the *ngIf itself... So this workaround does not work around...

Could you provide a plunker or Repo where I can Review it. I really need a workaround and would help you improve your try. Best Michael

Any updated on this?? Can't believe that developers can live with it. It's the most common thing to style your forms and give users good UX. @kara I saw you...

Here is the example for reactive forms moved to stackblitz and working again: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-xpueco?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.html

Hi @kievo23 ! Thanks! :-) What do you mean by hard? Hard to implement?

Any outcome you could contribute @kievo23 ?