Peter Budny
Peter Budny
The way W1C (write-1-to-clear) fields are handled is counterintuitive. Basically, they're not handled differently from normal fields, which makes them counterintuitive from a programmer's perspective. Suppose you have a register...
After you flag a story, there's no way to tell by looking at the list of stories which ones you've already flagged. You get some visual feedback for a few...
On the "My Stories" page, the asterisks and hashes are interpreted, but the curly braces to hyperlink a kanji are not.
On the review screen, there's an "Exit" button at the top, and an "End" button at the bottom of the page that (at least on my last two iPhones) is...
The vocab shuffle is a nice feature that's really helping me improve my recognition and recall in both directions, except for one problem: there are a lot of very common...
I study mainly on mobile, and do actually draw the kanji with my finger. However, practicing good "penmanship" when finger-tracing on a large empty white screen is difficult. It's hard...
In RTK6, it's spelled "tranquilize" (with one L), which is the normal American English spelling and is more common globally. "Tranquillize" (with two Ls) is a British English spelling that's...
This problem is visible in many stories for, which is "cloud" but uses the primitive "rising cloud". Even when people have explicitly used asterisks to italicize "rising clouds" as...
In, in two places four backticks (````) were used instead of three. They are unbalanced, and it is messing up the Markdown interpreter.
In general, the definitions for a lot of the registers defined in `SCB`, `SAU`, etc., are rather deficient, but my current complaint is the Fault Status registers. The ones defined...