Maximilian Schiller

Results 25 comments of Maximilian Schiller

So to summarize this discussion and the [article]( @char0n mentioned, the best solution appears to be this: ```yml name: auto-merge on: pull_request_target: jobs: auto-merge: if: == 'dependabot[bot]' runs-on: ubuntu-latest...

@char0n I don't think it is. I just modified the [usage example]( from the top of the README where it is included.

> Maybe it would warrant some explanation, so that it's clear. Definitely.

Just to mention it here, I personally decided to switch to @koj-co's [dependabot-pr-action]( as it merges the PR itself and other workflows running after it don't have any limitations like...

> Any ideas on getting around this for main/default branch not accessing secrets? @raisonon As I already mentioned [above](, one way to keep using Dependabot instead of switching to renovate...

If anyone else is facing this issue, pinning the action to [v1.9.0]( is a temporary work around confirmed by @wottpal ( The issue might be caused by one of the...

Hey guys, I stumbled upon this library a while ago but noticed a few issues and things I wanted to improve. I was first thinking about forking it and becoming...

What did the feature look like in the original Mailin @muety? What would you expect from it now? I think this would be easy to implement and I would be...

Hey, the message `circular dependency` indicates that one file is importing another file which in turn is importing the first one. It seems `Node v15` no longer supports this. Could...

> info: nodeMailin v2.1.1 I just noticed you are not using the [latest]( version of `node-mailin`. Try installing the latest version [v2.4.0]( and see if the error is coming up...