Maximilian Schiller

Results 25 comments of Maximilian Schiller

> I see package.json in #master branch has version 2.1.1, do you need to bump the version in #master ? Oh, yes it is. Will fix this later, thanks for...

Hi @ndom91, thanks for reporting this! I will take a look and get this fixed asap.

I can't seem to reproduce your issue. I tried running the action with only the GH_PAT and it is working without any errors (see the [test run]( Could you enable...

> I got 404 on your [test run](, by the way. Is it a hidden repository you link to? Whoops, yeah it was set to private. Fixed now.

Just checking in, is the issue still coming up? @balazsorban44 @ndom91

Closing this for now. Please reopen it if the issue persists.

Any plans to merge/review this? Friendly ping, @gr2m

I am trying to integrate `semantic-release` with [electron-builder]( and was also looking for this option. My goal is to have `semantic-release` create a draft release and then `electron-builder` will upload...

Hey @plsnotracking, how did you manage to create an issue in the repo? It should have redirected you to the main repo where you can create a new...