
Results 14 issues of BertrandSim

Hello, thank you for this plugin! I installed your plugin recently, and wanted to add my own support for R, and in particular, for `[[...]]`. In the R language, one...


When I drop a mark on the first line of the buffer, the mark is not shown. Steps to reproduce: 1. open an empty buffer 2. hit `ma` The sign...

Hello there. With the "spoiled" rule, (`let g:columnmove_strict_wbege = 0`), I would like to ask, what is difference between columnmove-w,b,e,ge and columnmove-W,B,E,gE ? From the documentation, it seems that these...

Suppose I have the following text ``` {i}ndent0 i[n]dent0 indent1 indent1 indent1 indent1 indent1 indent1 indent1 indent0 ``` and the following settings ``` let g:columnmove_strict_wbege = 0 let g:columnmove_stop_on_space =...

Hello! I notice that when sneak-label-mode is enabled, concealed `cchar`s are shown with label highlighting. Here is an example with .tex ![image]( ```vim " vimrc call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged') Plug 'lervag/vimtex' Plug...


Hi Kana, I noticed that vim-textobj-user overwrites the last visual selection, for example, with `yil` and vim-textobj-line. It seems that this issue has been fixed before #55 , but in...

After a normal operation such as `r` or `x`, the highlights are not cleared. This PR fixes that, by calling `s:finalize()` after a TextChanged event.

For specific file types, I use `Arpeggioinoremap` with the `` argument, for example, `Arpeggioinoremap {x}{y}` When switching to another filetype, I want to remove this key chord, So I use...

Currently, chaining `:Arpeggiounmap` statements with `|` is not supported. For example, if I have the following mappings, ``` Arpeggioinoremap jk () Arpeggioinoremap df {} ``` then if I attempt to...