Christopher Hughes
Christopher Hughes
This may be out of the purview of what you're intending to tackle with this project, but for a while now I've been hunting for a dashboard that can track...
Given that this project can use the `GITHUB_TOKEN`, I think the README should include the minimum necessary permissions for the actions to run successfully. Something like this ```yaml permissions: actions:...
Add a ReST path that outputs the following information from a given build number Counts: Total OK KO KO% Req/s Response: Min 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 95th Percentile 99the Percentile...
Currently, in order to submit a job as a JAR file, it requires to user to package the jar with all of its dependencies which leads to JAR files starting...
Frequently, resources are in period of contention requiring load tests to run in off peak hours. Allowing for a job to be submitted in the future would allow for people...
The distGatlingClient throws a NPE when there are missing properties from the config.yml file. This dumps the stacktrace to terminal. The NPEs should be caught and a meaningful message outputted...
Currently, the last output from the distGatlingClient prior to exiting is to provide the following log line. `Job submitted. tracking info =>#detail/f1ce22b2-70af-442a-803d-d67226004bd5` As a small feature, it'd be nice if...
Currently, If someone wants to use a JAR file to run their load tests, they need to use the DistGatling Client. It would be great to allow for the web...
Prior to submitting a new issue make sure to complete these steps: - [X] Checkout the `dev` branch and confirm the issue is present there as well. The `dev` branch...