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Track pull requests of interest
This may be out of the purview of what you're intending to tackle with this project, but for a while now I've been hunting for a dashboard that can track pull requests that I'm involved in. The functionality I'd most hope for is that I could add a PR to the dashboard, and whenever there's a delta (added comments, resolved issues, etc...) it would become highlighted on the dashboard until I've "recognized" the update. I frequently deal with BitBucket and Github repositories, so it'd be really nice to have an aggregate view from these different source.
That's an interesting idea. I'm on another CLI right now, but I think I'll come back to DevDash in the next weeks. I'll think about that meanwhile, it shouldn't be too hard to implement (depending on the BitBucket API of course :D)
Too busy to implement that at the moment; PR are welcome :)