I've been testing this special case And it seems to be switched with this one: If i understood correctly, the special case is our destination and not our...
Add an option to walk to the closest bank considering the path it must take to return back to the current position. Example: DaxWalker.walkToBank while at lumbridge cow pen uses...
Walking.walkToBank Doesn't have 10 coins and quest not completed  ``` [18:50:31] [NPC Interaction] Conversation Options: [Select an Option, Yes, okay., Who does my money go to?, No thank you,...
Similar to issue #232 Game.getSetting(302) >= 61 might not be enough for barrows teleport, but not sure. "To use this tablet, the user must have completed the Priest in...
Hi, is it possible to add support to this root obstacles?  1590, 9900, 0 -> 1588, 9900, 0 1588, 9900, 0 -> 1590, 9900, 0 1590, 9899, 0...
Walker stuck at:  [10:42:03] [Walker Engine] Got path: [(3109, 3352, 0), (3109, 3351, 0), (3109, 3350, 0), (3109, 3349, 0), (3109, 3348, 0), (3109, 3347, 0), (3109, 3346, 0),... Weird one, shouldn't `collisionData.length < home.getX()` prevent the ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException? Can getX return different results for different calls? Maybe should be cached into a variable, same for home.getY() ``` java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:...
Walker is trying to teleport when teleblocked. I couldn't find any mentions to teleblock on source code, is it handled? There seems to be a varbit (maybe new?) with how...