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The VS Code theme with a long beard.

Results 20 bearded-theme issues
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I really love the Monokai Black theme that you have. Is it possible to have this type of font setting for the theme? With the "class", "def" italics as well?...

can use add color theme for c++, c# ?

I've been a VSCode user for some time now but recently I've switched to using JetBrains products, and was wondering if you could potentially port your theme to the JetBrains...

in Dark+ Material (and others) theme these two items are highlighted as different colors e.g. ``` #define JUNKMACRO(s) s void JunkFunction(void); ``` JunkFunction and JUNKMACRO should be different colors

When I found this theme on VS Code, I love that, specially the Arc variations, but now I work on Neovim because VS Code consumes a lot of ram, so,...

I use bearded theme for while now and i like it but was wondering of my own theme. So i decided to create a theme for me and the bearded...

VS Code has "workbench.tree.enableStickyScroll" enabled by default now. If you scroll in the folder tree of the explorer, the folders/sub folders become sticky but the shadow is missing. Verified that...

I so effing love feat. Mintshake. It's the only light theme I can really relate to. Thank you for your artistic style! Unfortunately there's an issue here. As you can...

Waiting for bug fix from VSCode

Hi, I opened an issue with VS Code about this, thinking it was a general editor issue, but it turned out to be specific to my Bearded themes. Please see...

Waiting for bug fix from VSCode

Type: Bug # Issue The Edit Configurations UI window is not fully themed with some of the themes I'm using. Specifically Bearded Theme. # Recreate Steps 1. Enable Microsoft C++...

Ready for next release