Alex Bakanov
Alex Bakanov
Hi @pavliukStanislav Do you mean that Allure plugin breaks behaviour of SpecFlow.Plus.LivingDocPlugin when they installed together?
Hi @VictorYakushenko, thanks for your feedback. Can you please provide code example which leads to this bug or give a link to demo repo.
Hi @CraigRichards, Idea is good, but this change breaks package public interface, which can be confusing for the current consumers.
hello @godrose, We usually specify minimal supported version in dependencies. It doesn't make sense to release new version every time when SpecFlow releases minor or build update. Why do not...
it's still there :(
Hi @niemyjski , it's pretty standard one: ``` "sku": { "name": "Standard", "tier": "Standard" }, "type": "Microsoft.ServiceBus/Namespaces", "location": "West Europe", ``` ConnectionString looks like this: ``` Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=;SharedAccessKey= ``` Which kind...
Sure, I'll help with pleasure. Just let me know how :)
having same