Results 7 comments of BTNC

Hi, sorry for late response, I haven't supported it for quite some time. It seems you git cloned distro under J: and tried to install everything under J: Git clone...

Hi, it seems you downloaded the If so, please try to git clone the distro-win repository and reinstall. If not, please check if luafilesystem is properly git cloned under...

You can try to edit [install.bat]( to see current status during installation, for example, add ' && cd && dir && dir rockspecs' etc after the 'cd luafilesystem' command. ps1,...

Hi @dingyiwei , sorry for late response, I can not figure out what is wrong in your case.

Does Ninja work with nvcc? I do not see any announcement that it supports nvcc. IncrediBuild and FASTBuild support nvcc. I prefer not to use it if Ninja does not...

👍 Cool, please feel free to detail problems or send PRs.

Thanks so much for trying it out! According to the log, I see problems in lua-cjson, qtlua, qttorch and threads. None of them are necessary for the core torch functionality....