Results 12 comments of Dr. RNG

Correction for my notes: 0x88 is actually the set track volume command. Tracks with "reverb" just press a key multiple times and lower the volume repeatedly until it's silent.

Other things to note: The 0200 in the header can be changed but I checked every game with LFMIDI tracks and none of them actually do that The header of...

Updated script for Leapster ROM splitting: [LEAPSPLIT.zip](https://github.com/vgmtrans/vgmtrans/files/8985718/LEAPSPLIT.zip)

The reason it renders so slowly is probably because the game renders the models (they aren't visible, but are still there) in around 600 chunks each due to what I'm...

You can't (at least not as far as I know), as you need to do it from the user settings but the emulated system gets softlocked (doesn't crash, just stops...

Update on the track info now that we have the source code for one of the Leapster games: The format is actually called "SYN" and was used on earlier toys...

Late response, but these files aren't encrypted. The graphics are stored in 15 (or 16?) bits per pixel. I was able to get all of this with a tool known...

Oh, wait. That one had a ton of chunks deleted as I was assembling the sprites here: ![LEGO Luigi](https://github.com/bricklife/LEGO-Mario-Reveng/assets/33909717/2f085405-a81c-48c3-acee-aced89c0e329) I might also start work on reversing the firmwares as well...

These don't use a palette, the mode is 2-Dimensional (makes data act more like variable width bitmaps than tilesets) and the codec is one of the 15bpp/16bpp ones. To get...

@Machow8 I forgot to reply, but this is what I use https://github.com/toruzz/TileMolester