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Bayesian Extinction And Stellar Tool
@karllark pointed out in #607 that we should have some relatively automated way to generate new test reference files/outputs when we update core code. For instance, when the noise model...
See for example these 1d pdfs of the phat small example, for the symlog of the F814W flux. Almost everything falls in the leftmost bins (lowest symlog). I think the...
I know that when I started contributing to the BEAST it was a challenge to understand how it worked through the code. I was thinking it may be useful to...
The beast tests are failing on windows. This has only been revealed with the move to github actions for testing as that is when windows testing was added. The issue...
The keyword `obs_colnames` in `beast.observationmodel.observations.Observations` is currently optional (default is `None`). But there's no check to see if it's set, so it's always used when making the `filter_aliases` dictionary. `None`...
In 'make_ast_xy_list.pick_positions_from_map', refimage_hdu is set to be 1. I ran into an error when one of my reference image only has the zero-th extension. We probably want to make it...
Using /tmp as a place to store files can be insecure. Causing a warning in Codacy. Should be fixable using tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile from the python tempfile module.
In the installation instructions, in the requirements section, we say to do ``` $ conda install -n astroconda pytables $ conda install -n astroconda hdf5 ``` and in the installation...
Currently read_sed_data directly accesses the SED data from disk via h5py. If possible, would be good to switch this to using the SEDGrid class to allow for other formats and...
In the phat_small example, the saved lnp data has inf/nan values. Not sure this is expected/correct/handled. for star 11 (e.g., using `read_beast_data.read_lnp_data(), lnp_data['vals'][10]`) ``` lnp_data['vals'][10] = [ -inf -inf -14.52056885...