
Results 24 issues of AviFix

Hi, i ran in to a problem, with dynamic height. i give the ul the following css: ul { width: 100%; min-height:150px; max-height:550px; background-color:green; } but the height is stock...

Hi, The app crashes on android 5.1.1. I get an error: Chrome failed during startup with an unexpected error. Logcatr is showing this: 06-03 17:33:45.581 31096-31096/? E/Zygote: MountEmulatedStorage() 06-03 17:33:45.581...

Hi When trying to run the sync script i get this error: cp: target '/home/***/Chromium/app/src/main/java' is not a directory The problom seams to be this line of code: "mkdir -p...

HI, Thanks for the v70 update. Since the last update they are some pages that the browser cant load. It actually does load the page' but after a few seconds...

Hi When running the app, i get a red frame every time the app "thinks". ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3835504/41082545-687ea646-6a37-11e8-9443-d5694761c5b5.png) As if "Strict mode" is on, but "Strict mode" is off My device is...

Hi, Thanks for this library a lot of work was put into it. Can you please show me an example for how to trigger a custom event at a specific...

Hi, When downloading an "[aab](https://developer.android.com/guide/app-bundle/)" app the app crashes after the installation. Apps for example: - com.idb.android.apps.authenticator - com.ideomobile.hapoalim Is there something on your side you can do to fix...

help wanted

Hi, Thanks for this app. seems to be very good. When running on a phone with RTL language there are a few issues with padding and directions. ![02](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3835504/39035838-24f18476-4484-11e8-8da4-122a857bb321.jpg) ![03](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3835504/39035843-269078dc-4484-11e8-89f5-aaac28d763fd.jpg) ![01](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3835504/39035845-287cf68e-4484-11e8-8f99-f4dbbf07b087.jpg)...

### PROBLEM DESCRIPTION When setting the local to a right to left languages such as Hebrew or Arabic, the text is shown from left to right ### REQUESTED INFORMATION _Make...


Hi Installation via "go get github.com/geo-data/cesium-terrain-server/cmd/cesium-terrain-server " isn't working. When trying to download the project and run make I get this error ```` myMac:cesium-terrain-server myUser$ make go get github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/... &&...