Sébastien Chopin

Results 73 issues of Sébastien Chopin

When doing smart rebuild, the correct manifest.json is generated but the HTML page does not have the correct src.


## What kind of change does this PR introduce? Renaming current template to Nuxt 2 and creating a new one for Nuxt 3. One question: is it possible to have...

Related to https://github.com/nuxt/nuxt.js/pull/9332


We shall add issue and pull request templates in order to easily embrace community contribution 😊


I think we should clearly see a timeline with the upcoming and past events (sorting by recent first) I would choose the same layout as https://nuxtjs.org/modules/ but for the filters...


https://vuejslive.com/workshops-3h ![Screenshot 2021-09-27 at 15.52.58.png](https://volta.s3.fr-par.scw.cloud/Screenshot_2021_09_27_at_15_52_58_6cc9806a0a.png)

community > events

Not sure if this is fixed in edge, but seems that redirects are not working properly, see https://github.com/nuxt/framework/pull/5479#discussion_r900465749


I think a video is better to understand: https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/904724/166730285-d28417e5-5b91-4559-8b3f-b89f802d6a7d.mp4 Adding classes that are not generated by Tailwind at first does not work when changing Example for Tailwind: https://stackblitz.com/edit/nuxt-starter-omgw5t?file=app.vue I am...


Same for hn-spa.nuxts.app

Actually, `vue-clip` is not compatible with server-side rendering, do you plan to make it compatible in the future?