Having to check the source in order to remember: 1. What `--trace-on` arguments are available. 2. What each one actually does eats into developer time. So, a modest proposal: -...
With reference to #1403 it is entirely possible for someone to be playing with "Delay sending until docked", such that they get EDDN messages recorded under one EDMC version and...
In #1393 one suspicion is that *maybe* sometimes Status.json has a `BodyName` key but with a `''` value. We should consider doing some sanity checking on what we load in...
Historically the Inara plugin attempted to batch up events into single messages by delaying things until, e.g. a `Cargo` event was seen. With the worker being on a strict "one...
Currently we have a hardcoded list of 'components' (one per file) in EDMarketConnector.wxs. If either a new Python release includes a new file (which can include, e.g. internationalistion files), or...
We don't seem to have *any* code pertaining to this currently.
A use had an issue where the RSE plugin was having connection issues after an old LetsEncrypt cross-signed root certificate had the cross-signing certificate expire. We tracked this down to...
1. Update documentations to **mandate** a fixed format for the tests, including always `import config as conf_module` (or whatever we decide it *must* be). 2. Script to quickly find all...
i.e. we have `journal_entry()` now and a proposed `journal_entry_cqc()` (see #1030 ). But what if a plugin developer already has that function name in their code, with matching number of...
A plugin might want to control its own logging level (i.e. DEBUG or even TRACE instead of INFO, but only for it). Investigate if we've made this easy, and if...