Results 233 comments of Athanasius

Added "No, we're not distributing viruses" section.

`5.0.0 Hutton Helper (Lite?) plugin issue` - removed

Added entry/link to

Added specific entry about CAPI being down 2021-05-20

Added: 'Suit:' line won't currently operate correctly in Odyssey. The combination of CAPI being down and us not having yet released a version with extended Journal support means this won't...

Removed the 'CAPI down' entry as CAPI is back up (and we changed the message so the URL is wrong now). Removed the 'Suit line not showing in 5.0.1' as...

5.0.2 from source errors if no `git` command availabe. `main` has had the fix merged. fixes the issue with this plugin and 5.0.x

Added: #1115 - Backpack (and ShipLocker) tracking of micro-resources isn't right yet in 5.0.2. This *should* be fixed ready for 5.0.3.

Added: #1113 Can't open plugins folder when running EDMC under other user - This appears to be some combination of an OS issue and/or python's webbrowser module not working well...