Results 233 comments of Athanasius

I definitely like the general idea of this. I think I'll need to delve into the code for some of those Optional[None] to get a feel for how much work...

The one thing about all my comments re: changing from `None` to `''`, `0`, or other type-appropriate falsey value is that whilst we can be sure core code will work...

To ensure my "let's get this merged ASAP, but not as the default" ideas don't get lost ... first of all a copy/paste, but look past it to a more...

> I object to this feature simply because I had to implement the check in the plugin, and if this gets added, it was all for naught! > > (It's...

This whole thing has a boot-strap problem when trying to detect/shout about an incorrect local clock. 1. The game client takes care to sync its internal idea of time with...

A more basic check would be "is the journal timestamp more than 24 hours different from local clock 'now'?". If someone is purposefully setting the wrong date on their machine...

The tricky part is that you can not only start with local clock skew, but have it skewing gradually more or less over time. This means you can't just note...

#1639 failed to mention that it was closing this. So the fix has already been merged.

- [ ] There should be a way to open the log even if it contains no alerts. Probably just change the icon from the `!` (I'm thinking of a...

- [ ] We should consider a way to "send these to the developers", obviously with a one-time confirmation popup to comply with GDPR and the like.