Jacob Jackson

Results 11 comments of Jacob Jackson

Yeah, I plan to add patching soon. I can’t give you an exact ETA, but it will probably be a week or two. I will give you an update when...

[Micropatch](https://github.com/AsyncBanana/micropatch) is where FluentCoding's implementation ended up. Currently, you can use it directly from GitHub, and I am working on publishing it to NPM.

That could be done, but it would require a breaking change and might come at a bit of a performance cost because of the value handling (the value can be...

I am returning to this, as this is more possible than I initially thought. Question to everyone: Would you be willing to go through a breaking change if it meant...

I am looking at doing this again. However, a feature some people rely on in Microdiff is the `oldValue` property, which does not exist in JSON Patch. I could add...

I am little confused about what you mean. I am not talking about adding patching functionality for Microdiff. What I am saying is that Microdiff would output JSON Patch statements....

Thanks for the pull request! Sorry for the long wait. I would like to do this, but it would require a breaking change. I am considering creating a Microdiff 2.0...

Chrome 94 has added support for this. I might try to add the data in a pr, although I haven't done any testing on other Chromium browsers, but they should...

@Nigelrex I don't know what github extension you are using, but if that is repository size, then that is just because it includes things like benchmarks and tests. You can...

@Julienng There is an implementation of patching functionality, although it is currently only on GitHub, not NPM (https://github.com/AsyncBanana/micropatch). I could make it accessible through a subpath, although I could also...