@Avaisov Thats cause you use http connection to webpanel, not https. If you have domain connected to server you just need to create ssl certificate from letsencrypt using 3x-ui bash...
@Avaisov when you use http connection to webpanel - your traffic is not encoding, and everybody between you and server can see all the data, that you put in fields...
@Avaisov Wrong way man. You wrote /us/... , but must be /usr/... at Public key field
@Avaisov it tells that you have default configuration at "URI path" field . Just change it to something additional, like /mysuperpanel/ =),
@Avaisov @piglushkin Thats cause you use http connection to webpanel, not https. If you have domain connected to server you just need to create ssl certificate from letsencrypt using 3x-ui...