3x-ui copied to clipboard
Security Alert This connection is not secure. Please avoid entering sensitive information until TLS is activated for data protection. What is it and how to fix it?
- [X] Yes, I'm using the latest major release. Only such installations are supported.
- [X] Yes, I'm using the supported system. Only such systems are supported.
- [X] Yes, I have read all WIKI document,nothing can help me in my problem.
- [X] Yes, I've searched similar issues on GitHub and didn't find any.
- [X] Yes, I've included all information below (version, config, log, etc).
Description of the problem,screencshot would be good
Security Alert This connection is not secure. Please avoid entering sensitive information until TLS is activated for data protection. What is it and how to fix it?
Version of 3x-ui
# Paste here
x-ui log reports or xray log
# paste log here
@Avaisov Thats cause you use http connection to webpanel, not https. If you have domain connected to server you just need to create ssl certificate from letsencrypt using 3x-ui bash menu. If you do not have a domain (use only ip address) - you can create self-signed certificate. I wrote an instruction in wiki, how to do this. https://github.com/MHSanaei/3x-ui/wiki/How-to-create-self%E2%80%90signed-SSL-certificate-for-3X%E2%80%90UI-webpanel-(also-if-you-don't-use-domains) @MHSanaei may be you can add this link to readme.md, cause I think that after update to 2.2 it will be many questions about this.
@AsunaYukky Thanks a lot for the answer and instructions, I will try. Can you tell me if the lack of a certificate has a strong impact on security and performance?
@Avaisov when you use http connection to webpanel - your traffic is not encoding, and everybody between you and server can see all the data, that you put in fields (like login - pass), and all the data, that webpanel gives to you (like qr codes, subscription, etc..). https solves this problem.
Can you tell me why I can't fix the problem? I go to the terminal command prompt (macos) I log in to the server via the ssh@ my ip command Entering the commands cd /usr/local/x-ui mkdir ssl-srt cd ssl-srt openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -keyout key.pem -out cert.pem -sha256 -days 3650 openssl rsa -in key.pem -out key.un.pem -passin pass:my password
Then I go into the panel and type in /us/local/x-ui/ssl-srt/cert.pem /usr/local/x-ui/ssl-srt/key.un.pem
but I can't save and reload the panel, I'm taking off the screenshot
I check I have files in directory root@. :~# cd /usr/local/x-ui/ssl-srt/ root@v :/usr/local/x-ui/ssl-srt# ls . cert.pem key.pem key.un.pem
@Avaisov Wrong way man. You wrote /us/... , but must be /usr/... at Public key field
@AsunaYukky Yes thank you, now I have this screen
I'm sorry, everything is working fine. Thank you very much!
@Avaisov it tells that you have default configuration at "URI path" field . Just change it to something additional, like /mysuperpanel/ =),