Quentin LOZACH
Quentin LOZACH
Hey @sadhakbj, I'm facing the exact same requirement. Did you make any progress on your side ?
Any news on the subject ? I just migrated from 5.3 to 5.4 today and I need to implement that package.
Hello @barryvdh Yes, I've tried : ``` php artisan route:clear php artisan route:cache php artisan config:clear php artisan cache:clear php artisan view:clear php artisan optimize composer dump-autoload ``` I see...
@erikn69 on the current version I have (Laravel 9), I don't have this config value. @barryvdh here is what I have : ```
@erikn69 Thank you so much. Somehow, my config file was not up to date with the latest version of the package. I've modified the config file, and edited the .env,...
Problem is still here on the staging environment, and can't solve it as I did for the local version.
+1 the the two factor authentication
Hey there, I'm facing the same problem using the pro field. The page loads forever with around 50 MB of data and way too much requests. I've got a model...