laravel-debugbar copied to clipboard
!! To enable public access to previous requests, set to true in your config, or enable DEBUGBAR_OPEN_STORAGE if you did not publish the config. !!
Hello there,
I'm using Laravel debugbar since a while, and I wanted to debug API requests on my pre-production environment.
The problem is that whatever I'm trying, when clicking on the folder, I have the following message :
!! To enable public access to previous requests, set to true in your config, or enable DEBUGBAR_OPEN_STORAGE if you did not publish the config. !!
The config file is published, and the enabled value is to true.
I'm using Laravel Framework 9.52.0, PHP 8.1.18, and Laravel debugbar > 3.9.
Did you clear the cache?
Hello @barryvdh
Yes, I've tried :
php artisan route:clear
php artisan route:cache
php artisan config:clear
php artisan cache:clear
php artisan view:clear
php artisan optimize
composer dump-autoload
I see that the debugbar is storing files into storge/debugbar, but sounds like Chrome is unable to read / load them ? No error in the console. Problem is here on localhost + staging server. Wanted to debug the staging server, but can't get info. Problem is also existing on the updated Laravel 10 version of my current project.
Did you set true
on .env
Can you post your config?
@erikn69 on the current version I have (Laravel 9), I don't have this config value.
@barryvdh here is what I have :
return [
| Debugbar Settings
| Debugbar is enabled by default, when debug is set to true in app.php.
| You can override the value by setting enable to true or false instead of null.
| You can provide an array of URI's that must be ignored (eg. 'api/*')
'enabled' => env('DEBUGBAR_ENABLED', null),
'except' => [
| Storage settings
| DebugBar stores data for session/ajax requests.
| You can disable this, so the debugbar stores data in headers/session,
| but this can cause problems with large data collectors.
| By default, file storage (in the storage folder) is used. Redis and PDO
| can also be used. For PDO, run the package migrations first.
'storage' => [
'enabled' => true,
'driver' => 'file', // redis, file, pdo, socket, custom
'path' => storage_path('debugbar'), // For file driver
'connection' => null, // Leave null for default connection (Redis/PDO)
'provider' => '', // Instance of StorageInterface for custom driver
'hostname' => '', // Hostname to use with the "socket" driver
'port' => 2304, // Port to use with the "socket" driver
| Editor
| Choose your preferred editor to use when clicking file name.
| Supported: "phpstorm", "vscode", "vscode-insiders", "vscode-remote",
| "vscode-insiders-remote", "vscodium", "textmate", "emacs",
| "sublime", "atom", "nova", "macvim", "idea", "netbeans",
| "xdebug", "espresso"
'editor' => env('DEBUGBAR_EDITOR', 'phpstorm'),
| Remote Path Mapping
| If you are using a remote dev server, like Laravel Homestead, Docker, or
| even a remote VPS, it will be necessary to specify your path mapping.
| Leaving one, or both of these, empty or null will not trigger the remote
| URL changes and Debugbar will treat your editor links as local files.
| "remote_sites_path" is an absolute base path for your sites or projects
| in Homestead, Vagrant, Docker, or another remote development server.
| Example value: "/home/vagrant/Code"
| "local_sites_path" is an absolute base path for your sites or projects
| on your local computer where your IDE or code editor is running on.
| Example values: "/Users/<name>/Code", "C:\Users\<name>\Documents\Code"
'remote_sites_path' => env('DEBUGBAR_REMOTE_SITES_PATH', ''),
'local_sites_path' => env('DEBUGBAR_LOCAL_SITES_PATH', ''),
| Vendors
| Vendor files are included by default, but can be set to false.
| This can also be set to 'js' or 'css', to only include javascript or css vendor files.
| Vendor files are for css: font-awesome (including fonts) and highlight.js (css files)
| and for js: jquery and highlight.js
| So if you want syntax highlighting, set it to true.
| jQuery is set to not conflict with existing jQuery scripts.
'include_vendors' => true,
| Capture Ajax Requests
| The Debugbar can capture Ajax requests and display them. If you don't want this (ie. because of errors),
| you can use this option to disable sending the data through the headers.
| Optionally, you can also send ServerTiming headers on ajax requests for the Chrome DevTools.
| Note for your request to be identified as ajax requests they must either send the header
| X-Requested-With with the value XMLHttpRequest (most JS libraries send this), or have application/json as a Accept header.
'capture_ajax' => true,
'add_ajax_timing' => false,
| Custom Error Handler for Deprecated warnings
| When enabled, the Debugbar shows deprecated warnings for Symfony components
| in the Messages tab.
'error_handler' => false,
| Clockwork integration
| The Debugbar can emulate the Clockwork headers, so you can use the Chrome
| Extension, without the server-side code. It uses Debugbar collectors instead.
'clockwork' => false,
| DataCollectors
| Enable/disable DataCollectors
'collectors' => [
'phpinfo' => true, // Php version
'messages' => true, // Messages
'time' => true, // Time Datalogger
'memory' => true, // Memory usage
'exceptions' => true, // Exception displayer
'log' => true, // Logs from Monolog (merged in messages if enabled)
'db' => true, // Show database (PDO) queries and bindings
'views' => true, // Views with their data
'route' => true, // Current route information
'auth' => false, // Display Laravel authentication status
'gate' => true, // Display Laravel Gate checks
'session' => true, // Display session data
'symfony_request' => true, // Only one can be enabled..
'mail' => true, // Catch mail messages
'laravel' => false, // Laravel version and environment
'events' => false, // All events fired
'default_request' => false, // Regular or special Symfony request logger
'logs' => false, // Add the latest log messages
'files' => false, // Show the included files
'config' => false, // Display config settings
'cache' => false, // Display cache events
'models' => true, // Display models
'livewire' => true, // Display Livewire (when available)
| Extra options
| Configure some DataCollectors
'options' => [
'auth' => [
'show_name' => true, // Also show the users name/email in the debugbar
'db' => [
'with_params' => true, // Render SQL with the parameters substituted
'backtrace' => true, // Use a backtrace to find the origin of the query in your files.
'backtrace_exclude_paths' => [], // Paths to exclude from backtrace. (in addition to defaults)
'timeline' => false, // Add the queries to the timeline
'duration_background' => true, // Show shaded background on each query relative to how long it took to execute.
'explain' => [ // Show EXPLAIN output on queries
'enabled' => false,
'types' => ['SELECT'], // Deprecated setting, is always only SELECT
'hints' => false, // Show hints for common mistakes
'show_copy' => false, // Show copy button next to the query,
'slow_threshold' => false, // Only track queries that last longer than this time in ms
'mail' => [
'full_log' => false,
'views' => [
'timeline' => false, // Add the views to the timeline (Experimental)
'data' => false, //Note: Can slow down the application, because the data can be quite large..
'exclude_paths' => [], // Add the paths which you don't want to appear in the views
'route' => [
'label' => true, // show complete route on bar
'logs' => [
'file' => null,
'cache' => [
'values' => true, // collect cache values
| Inject Debugbar in Response
| Usually, the debugbar is added just before </body>, by listening to the
| Response after the App is done. If you disable this, you have to add them
| in your template yourself. See
'inject' => true,
| DebugBar route prefix
| Sometimes you want to set route prefix to be used by DebugBar to load
| its resources from. Usually the need comes from misconfigured web server or
| from trying to overcome bugs like this:
'route_prefix' => '_debugbar',
| DebugBar route domain
| By default DebugBar route served from the same domain that request served.
| To override default domain, specify it as a non-empty value.
'route_domain' => null,
| DebugBar theme
| Switches between light and dark theme. If set to auto it will respect system preferences
| Possible values: auto, light, dark
'theme' => env('DEBUGBAR_THEME', 'auto'),
| Backtrace stack limit
| By default, the DebugBar limits the number of frames returned by the 'debug_backtrace()' function.
| If you need larger stacktraces, you can increase this number. Setting it to 0 will result in no limit.
'debug_backtrace_limit' => 50,
Did you set true on .env DEBUGBAR_OPEN_STORAGE propertie?
You have to update your .env
on the current version I have (Laravel 9), I don't have this config value.
I have not mentioned anything about the config file, I am talking about the .env
Also upgrade that config file
@erikn69 Thank you so much. Somehow, my config file was not up to date with the latest version of the package. I've modified the config file, and edited the .env, did a php artisan config:clear and everything is working again.
Problem is still here on the staging environment, and can't solve it as I did for the local version.
Clear config cache
For anyone else with this issue, delete the config/debugbar.php
file then run the following to generate a new one:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=Barryvdh\\Debugbar\\ServiceProvider