Mingye Wang

Results 347 comments of Mingye Wang

可以用 git subtree 切出來放進 bare branch,雖然現在 checkout -b 然後放個 commit 把別的刪掉也可以。 如果還是後悔歷史裡面有的話可以 filter-branch 刪一圈然後 force push(和 rebase 一樣破壞歷史一致性,得趁 fork 的人不多時候做)……

唔… github.com/git/git/tree/master/contrib 里面有 git subtree 的指令稿,拿出来跑 git subtree split 就是。

看到關於字大小的回應了。 這算是 Hinting 的一個目標吧。sfdhanautohint 有一個對於筆劃合併的處理,對於普通情況的字應該還是可以改善不少,像 biang biang 麵倒是很可能還是不行。16 × 16 的確是非常苛(無論是就 pt (1/72 inch) 還是 px 而言),不過像 24~32 甚至 64 ppem 應該還是可以試試的。(這裡多出來一個 Feature Request (?),就是得傳入需要的 png 尺寸專門潤算了。對於 HiDPI 支援,還需要 JavaScript...

他们貌似对 GitHub 没啥反应……… (涂黑)比 LinuxDeepin 他们的态度还要差

It might also be useful to link to https://github.com/llogiq/momo, a proc_macro that makes monomorphisation (Into, AsRef, AsMut) helper functions for you. twiggy seems to provide a functionality for analyzing monomorph...

Apple's open-source lzfse implementation at https://github.com/lzfse/lzfse contains a LZVN encoder and decoder. It reads by bytes and looks reasonably cross platform. For external APIs, see https://github.com/inikep/lzbench/tree/master/lzfse (lzvn_decode.c) and https://github.com/lzfse/lzfse/pull/26. @RJVB...

Being the total dumbass I am, I wasted some five minutes before realizing that I was not running in the same working directory from `psexec -s -i cmd /k [path-to-the-thing]`...

i.e. EnergyStat should do the GetPI/GetTI things and save any processes spotted using ecoqos on themselves into the bypass-list? (How do we know it’s self-assigned qos though?) There’s no manifest...

发新版本没有给源码这不就是 bug 了吗)