Due to recent account compromises of admins on other servers, this checks if the computerid of the admin that logs in is in a list of authorized computerids for that...
Enables mappers to add access restrictions to turbolifts. ToDo: - [x] Add Elevator Machinery - [ ] UI for Elevator Machinery - [ ] Anti-Destruction for Elevator Machinery (as its...
Adds the magivend_food, a vending machine that can dispense any food. Adds the lectern, its a lectern for people to speak at. Adds the capability to add a force_spawnpoint_message ->...
Copied from the original PR #11008 Implements the dynamic gamemode, Aurora style. Players are presented with 2 votes in sequence: one for intensity, one for antag types. Intensity works as...
Removes NanoUI Templates that arnt used anymore. ToDo: * Testing
Ports the DBCore subsystem from tg. A few things had to be dumbed down to make them work here. Separate PRs will be created for different systems as they are...