Zhiyu Zhu/朱智语

Results 63 comments of Zhiyu Zhu/朱智语

Because Gitee currently depends on [Charts](https://github.com/danielgindi/Charts), which requires macOS >= 10.11, I guess this is impossible, unless the author decides to switch to another framework.

@fisch0920 I think this is achievable by unwatching those repositories and/or conversations on your own. Here are a few useful links if you need help. - [Unwatching/Ignoring Repositories](https://help.github.com/articles/unwatching-repositories/) - [Disable...

Seems that cltorch has not implemented this function yet (and they are not really working on this, according to [this timeline](https://github.com/hughperkins/cltorch/blame/master/src/lib/THClTensorMathBlas.cpp)).

~~In Objective-C, you can use `NS_EXTENSION_UNAVAILABLE` macro, but in Swift, there isn't really an replacement for that.~~ So what I did is this: https://github.com/LiulietLee/LLDialog/blob/master/Source/LLDialog.swift#L69-L73 Since https://github.com/apple/swift/pull/12410 got merged, you can...

1. Some kind profiler might explain why that is happening, but here're my hypothesis 1. If using the ARKit implementation, it might take a while to identify where the face...

Hmmm, #76 also mentioned about this. I’ll try to figure out what went wrong as soon as possible

Hi @jonashaag, thank you for your interest in this project and support. But unfortunately, I'm studying in the US under F1 visa, which means I can't be employed (or do...

@jonashaag this project is already using the standard Swift singleton implementation, but thanks! I was trying to refactor the decision making part over the break but it was more complicated...

To cite https://docs.swift.org/swift-book/LanguageGuide/Properties.html#ID264: > Stored type properties are lazily initialized on their first access. They are guaranteed to be initialized only once, even when accessed by multiple threads simultaneously, and...

Sorry for the late reply. I'll investigate the cause of the issue, but for now, you can use Spotlight to search for the "Terminal" app (which can also be found...