
Results 9 issues of Apirog9

Hi, Is it possible to make DIA-NN to output library retention times aligned to particular RT scale? I wish to use several libraries for one quantification. Is it possible to...

Hello, I wonder if FragPipe could be tuned to work as a middle-down search engine. It is a very fast tool, I can handle a nonspecific search of peptides in...


Hello, I am working with very problematic sample type, a mixture of nonspecific peptides of length from several to ~100 AA. I have noticed that MetaMorpheus have some kind of...


Is there a way to not use assumption that cysteines are carbamidomethylated in MaxQuant result? Will it work if I add an artificial mod to cysteine, e.g (Unmod) and set...

Hello, it would be useful to output deconvoluted mass spectra in mzml format.

Hi, When asking promex to write csv file, I am getting "System.Int32[]" in every cell in FeatureID field. best Artur Pirog

After running mspathfindert, I see that whole mass and charge range is searched, not only limited by minimum mass or charge. Can I somehow limit this, or is it a...

Hi, A mass error plot for fragments would be a very good enhancement for better peptide spectra manual quality assessment. PDV works fast and reliable for otherwise problematic to visualize...


Hello, I am recieving an error while opening an interact.pepxml/mzml pair after Fragpipe search: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string "17,3176" Java version 1.8 on Windows 10 thanks for support, Artur Pirog
