Impressive tool and many thanks for coming up with this! I noticed that in my product.html, gtdb taxonomy strings are only added to the Cazy heatmaps and so on but...
Looks like a super-cool resource and many thanks for your pains in generating this wonderful piece of data. Before I go ahead & get the resources for the local storage...
Many thanks for your useful suggestions @rchikhi and @ababaian. I think I'll give it a try with minimap2, nhmmer and also mmseqs2. I noticed that you have listed out all...
Sorry, I'm a bit confused about one vital piece of info- @rchikhi could you confirm if this `rdva_v0.2.fa.lz4` represents not only metatranscriptomes but also metagenomes? From a quick look, it...
I encountered the above error for the first time with a new large dataset of mine (n=364 samples): "mawk: cannot open "mapped.3638.bed" for output (Too many open files)" Despite this...
In case this will be useful to others: I solved this by setting `ulimit -n 1000000` before beginning my dDocent run
Tried rerunning the R code after performing the below: `perl accessory_scripts/input_validator.pl --covsats INT_metagenome.coverage --mark INT_metagenome_taxonomy.tab --outdir checked_output` but the same error popped up ``` d
The above errors were encountered in gbtools version 2.6.0 but when I tested the same input files on the older 2.5.8 version, the plot seems to come out OK
@peter0k, I ran into the same issue but fixed it by adding `doit=0.35.0 `to my conda environment. My .yml file at the time of building the conda dammit environment looked...
But subsequently, I ran into the same error as [Issue 241](https://github.com/dib-lab/dammit/issues/241) Trying to figure out now a way out of this new error :-(