Anis Lounis

Results 6 issues of Anis Lounis

When checking the size of a ZFS pool, `checkDiskSpace('/my-zfs-pool')` is always indicating a 100% disk usage. Is this a known limitation?

What's the proper way to disable adding viapoints when clicking on the route line? I'd rather avoid monkey-patching the `lrmControl.options.routeLine`. What's the "by-design" approach to achieve this? Thanx in advance.

I've got a code that generates the content of an infowindow dynamically, and one of the dom generated dom elements is meant to be a zoomable image. In its basic...

Don't you think that `reCaptcha.verifyAnswerAsync("your-private-key", "user-input", onVerifyAnswerListener);` Is kinda useless? And shouldn't be provided in the API since it leaks "your-private-key"?

Is the current version of this library stable and secure enough to be used in near-production app, or is it still being tested?

Let's go strait to it! A code like this one: `try{ $file->upload(); $file->getMd5(); // This line }catch (...) {...}` Is causing a warning: > warning: md5_file(...\tmp\phpA6C9.tmp): failed to open stream:...