Anis Lounis

Results 8 comments of Anis Lounis

Actually `df --output=avail,size,target | grep '/my-zfs-pool'` produces the right output (when ran from the cli), I am not sure how it's leveraged here though :)

My workaround was be to programmatically call `expandView.collapse();` when opening your `Activity/Fragment`. Hope that helps.

@AnderssonPeter @OrKoN @mittster Was anyone able to resolve this issue? Some help would really be appreciated.

For some reason, toggling `addWaypoint `to `false` didn't disable adding `waypoints ` when clicking on the line. I'm posting my current **very dirty** workaround: ``` _onLineTouched: function (e) { //...

Have you checked [this issue]( @cmelchior will have to correct me in case I'm wrong, but as far as I know, setting a custom depth is not supported by design....

In case someone is looking for a workaround to this, here's mine for lets say accessing "A.B.C.field" : realm.where(A.class) .equalTo(AFields.B.C + "." + CFields.field , ... ) // ... Hope...

Now I feel ashamed haha! Yup, you're complety right, this doesn't solve anything!

Any solution so far for this bug?