ayyy thanks for replying  here ya go :)
my trackpad's 10.5 x 7.6 cm
Hello, I apologize for the very delayed response. I'm having a bit of a trouble with installing the build you just sent. I went and downloaded the files from the...
Pardon my ignorance, how exactly do I do that? Have been looking around trying to download it, the only way I've been able to download something so far was from...
I clicked on the artifacts and apparently no feeds are found. Also tried searching for amd64 on the search box, still nothing.
So this is a bug from the mobile app rather than the plugin?
Just want to add: it seems that other users including myself (see also #153) are experiencing this issue (and as said by @Fertion, it's more pronounced on the mobile app...
> Tested turned on/off the 'Debug startup time'. I don't see the difference. 'Debug startup time' is merely to show how long in milliseconds your plugins take to initialize/start up;...
@Fertion Oh that's interesting, your plugins actually load pretty fast compared to the plugins on my phone (which is admittedly quite old and slow now—Tasks takes about 200+ms to initialize...
That's what happens with mine as well when opening from the file explorer. The same essentially happens when opening a note from the Quick Switcher, but it first opens an...