De Cheng
De Cheng
“E0121 10:57:50.567509 17752] Terminating: Can't use SPARSE_NORMAL_CHOLESKY as sparse_linear_algebra_library_type is NO_SPARSE.”报错是由于ceres编译安装的版本不支持EIGENSPARSE,通过"cmake -D EIGENSPARSE=ON .."重新编译安装ceres之后,就可以解决。 重新进行MH_05_difficult.bag数据集测试,出现回环检测之后,对之前的轨迹有所刷新,但优化的幅度比较小,整个数据跑完之后,还是有比较大的直观误差,与视频中的结果有比较大的差别,视频中右边的轨迹吻合的比较好,但我的实验结果还是有肉眼可见的大误差。
yes, I also think it is a bug!
@luyukan Is this method helpful to you? Can you share the result with me? Thanks!
@NikolausDemmel Thank for your great sharing! "This is the diff. It is certainly not perfect and has some false positive corners, but many more detections that Kalibr for distorted images."...
@luyukan Great! Thanks! Which camera/distortion model fit your fisheye camera well?