react-three-editable icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-three-editable copied to clipboard

⚠️ Moved! See @theatre/r3f and the theatre-js/theatre repo for the new version with animation tools! Link below 👇 Edit your react-three-fiber scene with a visual editor without giving up control over...

Results 24 react-three-editable issues
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Getting the below error with the installation of the react-three-editable library. "react-three-editable": "^0.8.1", "three": "^0.127.0", "@react-three/drei": "^4.1.8", "@react-three/fiber": "^6.0.16", ./node_modules/react-three-editable/node_modules/@react-three/drei/useSubdivision.js Attempted import error: 'Geometry' is not exported from 'three'. Please...

Either to prevent accidental edits, or to expose objects in the editor that should only be observable, but shouldn't be editable. Possible terminology: `lockEdits`, `readonly`, `observeOnly`, `inspectOnly`.


If an editable is not currently present in the scene, r3e will assume that in the future it could be, and preserves its data. The problem that only the active...


This would help further reduce the number of times the browser needs to be refreshed in order to keep the the scene in sync with the edits.


This element shouldn't have its own object type, since just like in r3f, it can be anything. The object type needs to be supplied through the `editableType` prop.


I have 2 ideas: 1. extend the visibility prop of objects to also accept an `"editor-only"` string. This will ultimately set the object's visibility to false, unless we are in...
