Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson
you could probably work with the raw output and create your own plots summarising the posterior distributions. This way you could redefine the order of the factor variables to your...
Hi all Brian - eigen value decomposition might be a good solution for the covariant matrix especially for more than 2 tracers. It’s pretty efficient and less restrictive than the...
Source data are assumed to come from a multivariate normal distribution. In fitting it, there is a full covariance matrix to be estimated. Pretty straight forward for two tracers but...
hi taylor it shouldn't be much work to do this at all. I have some functions that loop through the posteriors and extract things like means, and SEA from each...
Hi Rachael I probably would not simulate up to larger sample sizes, since that is pretty much what the Bayesian MCMC approach is doing. The simulations in my J Anim...
Hi No there should not be a limit. Do all of your groups have at lease 3 distinct data points? Which would be the absolute minimum to calculate the ellipse...
hi. Im sorry, I don't fully understand what process you have applied and exactly what the question or issue is. Could you provide a minimum working example and indicate if...
hi. I haven't checked, but my guess is for the nested factor design that you can run it with interactions between fixed factors like that. Instead, I suspect you will...
I don't know immediately and to be honest I don't have time to investigate this in detail. My suggestion is to revert to using mean and sd which is not...
Like the siar style hdr boxplots of overlapping greys etc? no, I don’t think so. Ideally these need to be rewritten for ggplot. Ive added it to my list for...