Andrea Cuneo
Andrea Cuneo
I'd like to use Flurl.Http, in particular for testing, but we're currently using MessagePack formatters in both payloads (send and receive). Is there a way to use FlurlClient with a...
I've encountered a problem in running Rebus over 10s of machines related to RetryCount (and FailFast too). Since ErrorTracker is InMemory the count is local to each instance and when...
Currently roles and permissions can only be linked to Clients (SPA, Native App, WebApp), not to APIs. In my scenario I've got a matrix of WebApp and APIs. Many WebApps...
.ConfigureNLog(configure: c => c.WithDatabaseRule("*", LogLevel.Debug)) should be supported
# fix(ApiExplorer): SubstitutedType have invalid property setter - [x] You've read the [Contributor Guide]( and [Code of Conduct]( - [x] You've included unit or integration tests for your change, where...
### Is there an existing issue for this? - [X] I have searched the existing issues ### Describe the bug See for details. Calling NullabilityInfoContext.Create(PropertyInfo) on Properties obtained from...