Andrea Cuneo
Andrea Cuneo
I've read it. My reference to "hack" was related to the fact that I cannot really make and extension like the PutJsonAsync(). The underlying implementation of SendJsonAsync takes info out...
>> The problem with the above is the param IFormatterResolver that I've to >> pass on each call. > > What determines which IFormatterResolver to use? Is there just one...
First, thanks for looking after this. 1. It has the Settings property exposed indeed, but there is no way to use the tiered (override) Settings by storing custom objects into...
Yeah, most of the time applications don't have such scaling: I use Rebus since few years (thanks!) and never 'found' this limitation :) I do agree that supporting a DistributedErrorTracker...
@mookid8000 I've hacked the 'finicky' :) version [here]( and is behaving fine in test envs so far. Main issue is that the _immediate_ 2nd-level retry, which is necessary to handle...
Same here: gRPC and gRPC-web is getting traction in new projects, firebase in particular, and bun is grand for new projects. Also this hits with a segmentation fault which takes...
@mookid8000 I hit the same issue when using ASB NativeDeadlettering and new error handling. As far as I can see, the issue stem from the decision of the RetryStep to...
@hjalle Waiting for @mookid8000 to confirm before making a PR.
Hi @mookid8000 no worries, thanks for the library, as always. I can prepare the PR this weekend, quite busy myself too :)
We're experiencing the same problem. Would be better to add an overload that takes a CommandDefinition instead of sql string, as the rest of methods, but with the Type[]