Anders Roos
Anders Roos
Have you tried changing to the legacy GL driver in raspi-config? According to this thread the new video driver might have issues with RDP:
The problem with your code snippet is that it is still monitoring the "unread" atom feed label. You need to find the atom label that corresponds with the #sent-label. Presumably...
Thank you for noticing this. I'll look into it and supply a fix with your suggestion ASAP.
Thanks for the comments! I have moved the static files to `/web/static`. Let me know if you have any more feedback.
Thanks for the feedback @piksel! > Why are you not using a package.json and including the dependencies as static libs? If the content are to be included in the container...
I made an attempt to make the API URL also work in non-local environments. Please forgive my Go skills, I haven't used it before... :)
> > I chose not to use npm in an effort to reduce the overall complexity of the PR. Ideally, for larger projects, I agree that one should use a...
Added Vite to build the web app. Run `npm run dev` to start the dev server and `npm run build` to package for production. The bundled assets are currently placed...
Currently when the API is checking for updates it also pulls any new images. This could take some time, and I was wondering if it would be better UX to...
> > Currently when the API is checking for updates it also pulls any new images. This could take some time, and I was wondering if it would be better...