MailCheckerPlus copied to clipboard
XHR request was cached by the browser
Serveral month ago, MC+ didn't work suddently. It' refused to reflect the latest state of my gmail。
I cleared the config folder of chrome and reinstalled the extention, but that didn't help.
I din't figure out why until I noticed all the XHRs by MC+ was cached by the browser. So I changed the code in src/mailaccount.class.js at line 203 from url: mailURL + "feed/atom/" + atomLabel, to url: mailURL + "feed/atom/" + atomLabel + "?timestamp=" +,
Luckily, the small chnage solved my problem.
But I am still wonder why the issue only affect myself.
OS: Ubuntu 11.04 Chrome :13.0.782.41 beta
Thank you for noticing this. I'll look into it and supply a fix with your suggestion ASAP.