
Results 26 comments of An-dir

Hello @Info-NI i have posted some information today regarding Inactive counter in issue#83 here are the details that might help for your case: Reading the source of the rule "S-Inactive"...

maybe i can help to answer some questions in this situation. I don't know any reliable onprem solution to check if it is "active" as the activity is primary in...

@loosus it is just one "fake domain controller" - no need for redundancy and you can only have one per domain (multiple per forest), as far as i know. Read...

> * take a look at CN=900274c4-b7d2-43c8-90ee-00a9f650e335,CN=AzureAD,CN=System, > * open attribute "keywords" > * copy value of "ComputerAccountSid" > * search computer with the sid you just copied > ->...

The "900274c4-b7d2-43c8-90ee-00a9f650e335" is a guid and according to microsofts documentation it is always the same. So it can be used to identify this unique "domain controller"

@cnotin is there any need to know what the primary group was? did you notice any wrong detection or were you able to change the primary group just to be...

Extending Pingcastle would mean to edit / duplicate this function to have "PrimaryGroup" (DistinguishedName) included here: use the new function here ...and here and for the output...

Hi @sbuck1 reading the source of the rule "S-Inactive" for "InactiveUserOrComputer" or so called "Dormant accounts" in the following files, it is clear that the time for **activity** is being...

Additional hint from the comment that might also apply here: "Please note that PingCastle relies on the attribute LastLogonTimestamp to perform this check. The LastLogonTimestamp attribute is replicated but has...

in my opinion it should be one or more new S-ADConnectServer but i am unsure what kind of checks you would need then. How would the automated detection work? Reading...